Latest Grenfell & Hackitt Report Update
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19 October 2020
Tuesday 10th May
KCTMO mistakenly listed people who died in Grenfell fire as ‘safe’ in the wake of the tragedy
Several people who died in the Grenfell Tower fire were listed as “safe” in a list compiled by Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO) in the aftermath of the fire.Several people who died in the Grenfell Tower fire were listed as “safe” in a list compiled by Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO) in the aftermath of the fire.
Monday 25th April
Scottish Government to ban combustible cladding on high- rise buildings
The Scottish Government is to ban builders from using combustible cladding on high-rise buildings in the wake of the Grenfell Tower blaze. Building standards minister Patrick Harvie said the move, combined with recent legislation on fire alarms, would help reduce the number of people killed or injured in fires.
Thursday 21st April
Firms that refuse to fund cladding repairs could face trading ban
Developers that are refusing to contribute to the fund set up to fix dangerous cladding will be warned they could be blocked from selling new homes. The levelling up secretary, Michael Gove, will explicitly threaten retaliation, citing powers in the building safety bill that would stop uncooperative developers getting planning permission.
Monday 11th April
Grenfell Tower inquiry exposes miscommunication, poor governance and misguided policies
the Grenfell inquiry has heard evidence from a succession of ministers who have lined up for the first time to explain what went wrong. The evidence has laid bare a litany of miscommunication, poor governance and misguided policies in the government department responsible for fire safety.
Thursday 7th April
Minister responsible for implementing Lakanal fire recommendations never read them
The minister responsible for implementing recommendations after what was then Britain’s worst tower block fire did not even read the coroner’s letter in which they were contained.
Thursday 31st March
Grenfell Inquiry Told Government Had Ideological Aversion to Red Tape
Calls to regulate against the potential incompetence of people who check fire risks in buildings before the Grenfell Tower disaster were dismissed by government ministers because of an “ideological” aversion to increasing red tape, the public inquiry has heard.
Monday 21st March
No Grenfell inquiry recommendations enacted by government, says Sadiq Khan
The inquiry, which looked at where the June 2017 fire originated and how it spread to tragically kill 72 residents in the north Kensington tower block, published its findings in a report in October 2019. To date, none of these recommendations has been implemented, and no deadline has been provided by the government for when they will be, according to the mayor’s office.
Wednesday 9th March
Grenfell: Former official apologises to bereaved families of Grenfell tragedy after exposed email
A former government official has apologised to bereaved families of the Grenfell tragedy over an email in which he appeared ignorant of issues surrounding another fatal fire 13 years ago. Richard Harral told a colleague via email that following the 2009 Lakanal House blaze he “never quite understood” a coroner’s recommendations to ensure similar fires would not happen in the future – something which his division was responsible for implementing.
Monday 28th February
Government “could strengthen intent” of Building Safety Bill
The Association for Project Safety (APS) firmly believes that the Government “could strengthen the intent” of the Building Safety Bill by placing greater emphasis on all building safety risks right from the outset. The APS wants to see ‘safety up front’ with building safety made an explicit requirement in the Building Safety Bill. There’s also a desire to deliver Government-backed professional indemnity insurance and clarify the principal designer roles.
Wednesday 23rd February
The UK government had all the evidence it needed to know as far back as 2002 that the dangerous cladding used on Grenfell Tower should "never, ever" have been installed on tall buildings, an inquiry into the fatal blaze has heard. When the cladding – which consisted of a plastic core coated with thin sheets of aluminium – was tested, molten metal began to drip from the panel after just three minutes.
Tuesday 15th February
New powers proposed to end unsafe cladding
Home developers who refuse to pay the costs of removing unsafe cladding could have planning permission and projects blocked under government plans. New powers would allow cladding companies to be sued and subject to fines for defective products. The proposed measures are part of a Building Safety Bill following the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017.
Tuesday 18th January
UK residents suffer from cladding bills
More than four years after a fired raged through the 24-floor Grenfell Tower apartment building in London, causing 72 deaths, the government has told builders and developers they must fund and replace non-compliant cladding on buildings that are 11 to 18 meters tall—at an estimated cost of £5.5 billion.
Thursday 9th December
Inquiry told the Grenfell fire was the consequence of an ‘unbridled passion for deregulation’
The latest module of the inquiry was told that a desire to boost housing construction led to the exploitation of regulations. A lawyer, representing some of those who survived the fire as well as the loved ones of some who lost their lives, stated there had been a "prolonged period of concealment by Government which should properly be regarded as one of the major scandals of our time".
Tuesday 30th November
Ministers have been urged to reveal whether the type of cladding used at Grenfell Tower may have failed fire tests commissioned by the government more than a decade prior to the blaze that killed 72 people. Now a cladding testing expert, Dr Jonathan Evans, has written to housing secretary Michael Gove to warn that the results of the test on one of the materials bears “strikingly similar characteristics” to those of tests carried out in the wake of the Grenfell fire on the aluminium composite cladding used in the building – which is believed to have fuelled the blaze.
Friday 5th November
Grenfell Tower Inquiry: The Fire Brigades Union state escape plans needed to avoid next disaster
The Fire Brigades Union said building owners and managers should draw up evacuation plans to prevent future catastrophes. There was an "unjustified reliance" on firefighters to evacuate Grenfell Tower on the night of the fatal fire, a union has told the inquiry into the disaster. Union lawyer Martin Seaward said there was a "near-total failure" of fire safety measures at Grenfell Tower. The comments came on the final day of closing statements in a section of the inquiry focusing on the fire safety measures in the building, its management, risk assessment and the communication with residents.
Friday 11th June
UK Government opens consultation. Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1
The government are seeking views on new proposals to implement the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 recommendations on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans in high-rise residential buildings.
Thursday 18th February
Grenfell inquiry latest: Cladding firm did not reveal 'disastrous' fire tests on tower panels
The Grenfell Tower Inquiry heard on Wednesday that the results of a fire test on its Reynobond PE product in cassette form, which was used on the tower, had not been shared with the British Board of Agrément. Instead, the BBA issued a fire-safety certificate for the Reynobond based on a successful test of the product when it had been riveted to a wall. Arconic was legally obliged to disclose to the BBA any other test data, which would include the cassette data, but it did not.
Thursday 11th February
Government pledges extra £3.5bn for cladding crisis
The Government has announced a new £3.5 billion fund for the removal of unsafe cladding. As part of his announcement to the House of Commons Housing secretary Robert Jenrick unveiled a five-point plan to “end the cladding scandal” and provide reassurance to homeowners.
The plan includes a £3.5bn fund to remove unsafe cladding from buildings over 18 metres to remove unsafe cladding "at no costs to residents" on top of £1.6bn safety fund that leaseholders can currently apply for.
Thursday 4th February
New £30m Waking Watch Relief Fund Open for Applications
Applications are now open and can be accessed here: Waking Watch Relief Fund - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Friday 18th December
New £30m Waking Watch Relief Fund Announced
- "£1bn Building Safety Fund deadlines extended to ensure more eligible buildings can remove unsafe cladding
- Around 95% of buildings with dangerous ‘Grenfell type’ ACM cladding to have completed remediation or have workers on site by the end of the year
The Government has today (Thursday 17 December) announced a £30m fund to help end the scandal of excessive waking watch costs, as part of a further move to support thousands of residents in high-rise buildings.
The new Waking Watch Relief Fund will pay for the installation of fire alarm systems in high-rise buildings with cladding, removing or reducing the need for costly interim safety measures such as ‘waking watch’.
The National Fire Chiefs Council have been clear in recent guidance that building owners should move to install common fire alarm systems as quickly as possible to reduce or remove dependence on waking watches.
The steps today will help worried leaseholders who may have faced high costs for interim safety measures by providing financial support and delivering a better, long term fire safety system in their buildings.
Tuesday 27th October
Secret meeting to cut costs took place according to Grenfell Tower Landlord
'The Grenfell Tower landlord held a secret meeting to cut refurbishment costs – including discussing the switch to cheaper cladding – despite being warned by lawyers that it would break procurement law and could void the main contract, the public inquiry into the disaster was told.
David Gibson, head of capital investment at the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO), which operated the council tower block for its owner, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, organised a “secret” and “offline” meeting with the contractor Rydon in which they agreed more than £800,000 in savings, he told the inquiry on Thursday.
The 18 March 2014 meeting was not minuted, but Rydon subsequently agreed to drop landscaping works, cut the cost of windows, and switch more expensive zinc cladding panels for the aluminium alternatives which became the main cause of the spread of the June 2017 fire that claimed 72 lives.
The exercise cut the budget from £9.2m to £8.4m. The £293,368 saving on cladding amounted to less than £2,500 per apartment.
Gibson told the inquiry he ignored legal advice that such secret negotiations would break European procurement rules because Rydon had yet to be formally appointed after a public tender process.'
Monday 19th October
The FIA Announces the Provision of a Portal for EWS-1 Forms
Valuation and home survey processes were previously insufficient to establish whether or not external cladding on high-rise buildings [over 18 m height] contains combustible material and therefore would facilitate the spread of fire. Following the Grenfell tragedy and subsequent MHCLG [Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government] guidance, RICS [Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors] along with UKF [UK Finance] and BSA [Building Societies Association] developed so-called EWS-1 forms as a means of enabling competent fire experts to assess whether these buildings are fire-safe and if not, to identify that remedial work needs to be carried out.
Friday 22nd September
Grenfell Tower's insulation was sold for around a 50% discount for a "case study"
'Grenfell Tower may have been used as “a guinea pig” for a newly branded insulation material that burned and released toxic gas, contributing to the deaths of 72 people, the inquiry into the disaster has heard.'
Celotex, the manufacturers of the cladding, sold it at a 50% discount to contractors who were asked to make the refurbishment a "case study". 'A salesman for Celotex had pushed the idea of using Grenfell Tower as a case study for using polyisocyanurate foam on tall buildings.' Ben Bailey, the project manager on Grenfell for Harley, said the only assessment of its performance that he saw was of its thermal insulation, not its fire performance.'
To make matters worse, the project manager had no experience overseeing a project as a manager from start to finish. Furthermore, 'the owner of Harley, Ray Bailey, and told the inquiry on Monday that he had received no training or qualifications in fire safety in construction of buildings, in building regulations or industry codes of practice for design and installation of cladding and windows.'
Thursday 10th September
London Mayor and Fire Chief call for faster action on the nationwide building safety crisis
The latest government figures show 243 high-rise residential and publicly owned buildings still carry Grenfell-style cladding systems unlikely to meet building regulations in England. Yet there are estimated to be hundreds of thousands more apartments in buildings using other combustible cladding and with other fire safety defects which pose serious questions about landlords’ commitment to preventing another national tragedy.
The Mayor of London has told social and private landlords in the capital to “accelerate” their plans to remove and replace aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding. All 51 landlords who have been contacted have had ‘funding applications approved for the government’s social and private sector ACM cladding remediation funds but have failed to begin the work to remove dangerous cladding’. Once again highlighting the ‘unacceptable’ inaction from landlords across the capital.
What’s more, ‘Andy Roe, who took over as London fire commissioner in January following severe criticism of the LFB’s culture and response to the Grenfell disaster’ also taking aim at the ‘landlords and developers of thousands of high rise blocks, which more than three years on are still wrapped in dangerous cladding or contain other fire risks.’
The London Fire Commissioner ‘said he felt able to call for faster action on the nationwide building safety crisis after initiating a retraining programme for over 1,000 incident commanders, which was put in place after the Grenfell Tower inquiry concluded the LFB’s response was “gravely inadequate” and displayed “serious deficiencies in command and control”.’
Andy Roe stated: “Take your responsibility seriously,” he said. “If you have cladding on your building, work within the framework that is there to get it off as soon as possible. This is bigger than money. This about people’s lives, their mental and physical wellbeing. You will get my absolute support as London fire commissioner to do that.”On the topic of corporate bodies involved with the Grenfell Tower disaster in 2017, Roe claimed: “They should be ashamed. Understand that 72 people lost their lives. Now is not the time to seek corporate defence, but actually give these families what they deserve which is the truth and an undertaking not to let history repeat itself.”
Wednesday 9th September
RIBA introduces a new educational framework that focuses on fire safety
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has announced what it says may be the ‘biggest shake-up of the profession since the 1950s’, partly in response to government pressure after the Grenfell tragedy and growing concern about the climate.
‘The Way Ahead outlines RIBA’s new Education and Professional Development Framework. The ‘framework signifies a new direction for architectural education and continuing professional development, with a greater emphasis on health and life safety, the climate emergency and professional ethics.
For the first time, the RIBA has developed a single standard covering pre and post-registration education and professional development. Key components of the new framework include education themes and values, mandatory competencies, career role levels, core CPD curriculum, specialisms and accreditation.
The Education and Professional Development Framework will be phased in over two years, beginning in 2021. The Way Ahead, which outlines the changes, gives advance notice of these developments to schools of architecture, CPD providers, practices and members so they can implement and respond.’
Adrian Dobson, RIBA’s executive director of professional services, said: “After 40 years of deregulation in UK society, there was an appetite to rebalance professional standards against commercial imperatives”.
RIBA president Alan Jones said the change was due, adding: “The education of future chartered architects, and the professional development of those who have already achieved chartered status, need a sharpened focus on the core knowledge, skills and experience required to respond to the immediate and mid-term challenges facing our world, society and industry.”
The first mandatory competence – health and life safety, including fire safety – will be introduced next year with architects expected to pass a test demonstrating their competence.
It is key that across society we are embedding fire safety knowledge at all levels to ensure that we are making society better, safer and more competent – especially in the realm of fire safety. Beyond the breadth of these changes, another great aspect of the new Education and Professional Development Framework is the idea of recertifying to ensure that professionals are kept up to date on the latest changes and can become familiar with best practises
Tuesday 8th September
Government to lower the sprinkler threshold in new high-rise blocks of flats
The Government compared two options a ‘do nothing’ option of no change to the guidance and another option of setting the sprinkler and wayfinding signage height threshold to 18 metres instead of 11 metres. Beyond that, it also sought to improve wayfinding signage within blocks of flats and to install evacuation alert systems for use by fire and rescue services.
'The current requirement for sprinkler systems in Approved Document B is that new blocks of flats more than 30 metres above ground level should be fitted with a sprinkler system. The call for evidence responses showed that a large majority considered that action should be taken to install sprinkler systems in a wider range of flats and that the trigger height requirement is currently set too high.
Responses to the call for evidence also showed that people viewed the provision of sprinklers to have multiple benefits in providing personal protection of individuals, limiting fire spread, providing protection for property and fittings, and protecting means of escape. In particular, the National Fire Chiefs Council and the London Fire Brigade are supportive of a change of policy and have submitted further evidence since the close of the consultation.
Having considered the views submitted as part of the call for evidence. particularly the benefits to life safety and property protection when measured against the cost of provision, the Government intends to proceed with a change to fire safety guidance to require sprinkler systems in a wider range of new high-rise blocks of flats.'
Research by Building Research Establishment commissioned by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government into the effectiveness of residential sprinklers estimates a reduction in deaths and injuries at 76% and 58% respectively when sprinklers are provided. This is clearly a significant consideration.
We estimate that reducing the height threshold from 30 metres to 18 metres as a requirement in new-build blocks of flats will mean 1,970 new builds fitting sprinkler systems over 10 years, with an annual cost of between £27 to £38 million. Reducing the height threshold further to, for example, 11 metres would mean 15,940 new buildings fitting systems over 10 years, with an annual cost of between £136 million and £193 million.
In short, lowering the sprinkler threshold will deliver life, health and property benefits and provide visible reassurance that the new building is safe for occupants, owners and other interested parties such as insurance and mortgage companies.
Tuesday 11th August
What has the Grenfell Tower Inquiry taught us so far?
Fire safety was not considered - and if it was they weren't serious about it
'As the process of switching one cladding product for a cheaper one played out, little thought was given to fire safety. A certificate was provided by the manufacturers of the product – Arconic – which appeared to confirm that the material had a Class 0 rating, and that was really as far as the consideration went.' The class 0 rating was a mistake by the central government who will give evidence in 2021.
'Simon Lawrence, contract manager at Rydon, assumed that this detail would be handled by architecture firm Studio E and specialist cladding contractor Harley Facades. He said that he thought building control – the local authority inspectors who sign off a construction project as compliant – would catch any mistakes ... Mr Lawrence had been involved in Rydon projects that installed ACM on high rises in Newham and Camden without any issues being raised. Despite many cladding fires globally before Grenfell, beyond a cursory look at the certificate, no one appears to have stopped and seriously asked themselves the question of fire safety.'
However, there was one individual who did question the fire safety of the cladding that is Claire Williams, project manager at Kensington and Chelsea Management Organisation. Claire Williams brought up the parallels between the fatal fire at Lakanl House in south London and the cladding that was set to be used on Grenfell Tower in an email to Mr Lawerence in late 2014.
“Simon, I am just writing to get clarification on the fire retardance of the new cladding – I just had a ‘Lacknall’ [sic] moment,”. There is no evidence that Mr Lawrence responded to this email.
Thus far in the inquiry, it appears that some risks were taken into account they were not taken seriously as an email from 2015 show key members of the team predicting the cladding 'failing' in fire.
Failings of fire safety consultants
Exova was the expert fire safety consultancy who worked closely on Grenfell Tower. 'The firm produced an outline fire safety strategy for the refurbishment plans in 2012, which was updated twice in 2013. But this strategy simply did not consider the cladding'. This may have been as their attention was focussed on the lower floor levels that were being converted from residential to commercial use.
Exova's 2012 report and the two updates in 2013 included the phrasing: "It is considered that the proposed changes will have no adverse effect on the building in relation to external fire spread but this will be confirmed by analysis in a future issue of this report." This final report was never released as Rydon dropped Exova as it believed that their services were no longer necessary. Yet Mr Ashton from Exova in an attempt to appear helpful 'sent or received over 40 emails regarding ad hoc queries' with many relating directly to the cladding. Mr Ashton failed to warn of the danger around the cladding and in fact, some of his comments were misleading.
Further communication from Exova revealed a plan to "massage the proposals to something acceptable" which poses the question are fire consultants paid to guide plans past building control or to provide insightful, honest and accurate advice on how to make a project as safe as can be?
Thursday 23rd July
Open consultation: Fire Safety
The government is seeking views on proposals to strengthen the Fire Safety Order, implement Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations, and strengthen the regulatory framework for how building control bodies consult with Fire and Rescue Authorities.
This consultation closes at:11:45pm on 12 October 2020
The government is determined to continue to learn the lessons from the Grenfell Tower fire, and reform building and fire safety to ensure that such a tragedy can never happen again.
The fire safety consultation contains proposals to:
- strengthen the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and improve compliance
- implement the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 Report recommendations that require a change in law to place new requirements on building owners or managers of multi-occupied residential buildings, mostly high rise buildings
- strengthen the regulatory framework for how building control bodies consult with Fire and Rescue Authorities and the handover of fire safety information
The fire safety consultation, published alongside the draft Building Safety Bill, is a key part of the government’s package of reform to improve building and fire safety in all regulated premises where people live, stay or work and to deliver key Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations.
Click below to access a full package of documents to support the consultation.
Thursday 25th June
Parliament considering the Fire Safety Bill today
At 1130 today in the Thatcher Room of the Houses of Parliament, the Fire Bill is being discussed. You can watch the evidence session online: https://tinyurl.com/y2ba4rp2 from 1130 onwards and then further consideration at 1400 in Committee Room 9.
The proposed Fire Safety Bill has been written to build on the action already taken to ensure that people feel safe in their homes, and a tragedy like the Grenfell Tower fire never happens again.
The bill will amend the Fire Safety Order 2005 to clarify that the responsible person or duty-holder for multi-occupied, residential buildings must manage and reduce the risk of fire for:
- the structure and external walls of the building, including cladding, balconies and windows
- entrance doors to individual flats that open into common parts
This clarification will empower fire and rescue services to take enforcement action and hold building owners to account if they are not compliant.
Ian Moore CEO of the FIA states “This is a significant piece of legislation for our industry and the public; and the FIA have invested a lot of time in supporting the development of the Fire Safety Bill with a number of guidance papers, opinion papers issued and involvement with several committees. There are areas of contention and we look forward eagerly to see how this develops”
Friday 19th June
National Audit Office report exposes cladding remediation programme failings
NAO report says that Government is falling behind on its promise to strip dangerous cladding three years after Grenfell Tower fire and at least 300 buildings still covered by dangerous materials. The National Audit Office (NAO) found the government’s plans have “lagged behind (their) own expectations” In the private residential sector, in particular, the pace of work has been slower than the government had expected.
The ministry estimates that all buildings within scope of its funding will be remediated by mid-2022, with over 95% completed by the end of 2021. This is later than the expectation set in July 2019 by the then secretary of state, that “other than in exceptional circumstances, building owners should complete remediation […] by June 2020.”
The NAO says that this does not take account of the impacts of Covid-19: 60% of cladding remediation projects that were under way paused in April 2020., although most have now restarted after ministerial intervention.
Sunday 14th June
Three years on from the Grenfell Tower disaster
June 14 marked the third anniversary of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. As an organisation, and as individuals, we have spent the last few days reflecting deeply on the Grenfell Tower disaster where 72 people tragically lost their lives and countless other lives changed forever.
‘The Bishop of Kensington, Graham Tomlin, said commemorating the fire has been "quite a challenge" because of coronavirus.
Yet thousands of people illuminated their rooms and houses green for Grenfell on 10:30 pm on June 14th to remember those who lost their life. By illuminating their home green thousands showed the nation we’re still united for change & justice.
"Remembering is crucial because if we forget then we repeat the mistakes of the past," he said.
Since the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the FIA has responded to the call for the various organisations within the fire safety industry to take a lead in resolving the problems that clearly exist within the fire safety and construction industry in order to ensure that preventable tragedies such as the Grenfell Tower fire never happen again.
As a result, the FIA have had significant input on the post-Grenfell Hackitt report and the recommendations which have gone back to government via the competency steering group.
The FIA is dedicated to advance the fire industry to be a better, safer and more competent workforce by providing training to fire safety professionals up and down the country – as well as our close work with the government.
To read more about how we are improving the industry for all –click here
Thursday 4th June
Registration for the £1bn Building Safety Fund to remove cladding is now open
The UK Government has launched its £1 billion building safety fund, initially revealed in the most recent Budget announcement by Chancellor, Rishi Sunak. The registration process is now open and closes on 31 July 2020.
‘The fund is aimed at making sure tenants, leaseholders and residents living in buildings covered by the fund are safe and feel safe by remediating unsafe non-ACM cladding systems. These will be cladding materials and systems that do not meet an appropriate standard of fire safety and could pose a significant risk to the health and safety of residents, other building users, people nearby or the fire and rescue services.’
‘The fund will meet the cost of remediating non-ACM cladding systems where building owners (or other entities legally responsible for making buildings safe) are unable to do so. The fund will address some of the barriers to remediation being carried out quickly.’
The registration process will open in the first week of June and will remain open until 31st July 2020. Once buildings are registered with the program the Department will work with building owners to complete any technical assessments necessary to determine eligibility. Full guidance and an application process for buildings which meet the technical criteria will be available by the end of July 2020. This will enable the full application process to proceed at pace. Where building owners have the capacity and capability to undertake identification activity the Department expects they will continue to do so. Further support for building owners will be available once registered.
Wednesday 27th May
Ian Moore, CEO of the FIA, would like to inform you about that the long-awaited update to The Building Regulations 2010, specifically Approved Document B (ADB): Fire safety, Volumes 1 and 2.
The changes highlighted in this amendment take effect on 26 November 2020 for use in England, until then the 2019 edition will continue to apply (within certain listed constraints).
The changes focus on the following fire safety provisions in blocks of flats for water-based extinguishing systems (a reduction in the trigger height from 30m to 11m) and wayfinding signage for the fire service:
It is now available from the Government website. Full details of the changes can be found here
Monday 27th April
CROSS (Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety)
CROSS (Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety) is a project that has been commissioned following the Hackitt report on the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy.
As part of a planned update to the existing website they are now focusing on how best to position CROSS in the future. To do this, they have used an agency to create some visuals and wording to make the project to be as inclusive as possible. This means inviting feedback from people who are likely to use CROSS now and in the future. The agency has created a short survey to help do this, which is where you as an FIA member can come in.
Monday 3rd March
Grenfell Fire Tower Update - Immunity granted despite survivors seeking prosecutions
The attorney general, Rt Hon Suella Braverman QC MP, has said that any and all things said by witnesses to the Grenfell Tower inquiry will not be used as evidence towards prosecuting them. Now both the attorney general and the chairman of the inquiry has backed the demand for immunity from witnesses.
With witnesses claiming they would stay silent and decline to give evidence if they were not granted immunity the second phase of the Grenfell Tower inquiry has been paused for several weeks. Although, witnesses have only been granted immunity on the oral evidence that they submit. The immunity does not cover document and or evidence given from the corporations themselves
Sunday 2nd March
Technology can empower residents to feel safe as the Government fails to confirm funding
The Government has been urged to foot a multi-billion-pound bill to save hundreds of thousands of apartment owners who have been caught in the post-Grenfell fire safety dilemma. Yet pressure is still mounting on the Government to act as social landlords have warned that they face a £10bn to rectify fire safety problems after the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
The estimate includes the cost of remediation work to buildings of all heights, with all kinds of dangerous cladding, as well as the implementation of the recommendations from the Hackitt Review and the first phase of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.
Whilst, technology is important in empowering residents to feel safe. There remains little doubt that without substantial funding and support from the Government that this fire safety crisis is set to continue.
Wednesday 26th February 2020
With the UK government recently announcing that a new building safety regulator for England will be created. This regulator will be overseen by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), this regulatory body aims to “improve high-rise residential building and fire safety.” The new body will be overseen by Dame Judith Hackitt, who chaired the report in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
On the other hand, the Scottish government quickly responded in 2017 to the Grenfell Tower fire by launching two independent reviews. The Cole and Stollard review aimed to look at Scottish building standards, whilst another looked to assess the Scottish fire safety regime. Both reviews led to legislation being introduced as a result of the recommendations. For instance, “enhanced standards for smoke, heat and carbon monoxide detectors and alarm systems" alongside increased use of sprinklers and second escape stairs in new buildings, as well as a ban on combustible cladding on a range of buildings”. Whilst these legislative changes were deemed a success it appears that Scotland could be left behind as reform in England is gaining momentum.
Wednesday 19th February
Grenfell Tower Fire Update – Potential fraud charges and a new search for a panel member
Sir Martin Moore-Bick, the Chairman of the inquiry, has said that those involved in the refurbishment of Grenfell Tower, that tragically claimed 72 lives, could face fraud charges.
The chairman told the attorney general, Geoffrey Cox, that during the hearings that are set to take place after the inquiry starts again on 24th February, that ‘witnesses are “very likely” to be asked to discuss issues involving potential fraud offences.’
“Any questions put to employees of the manufacturers or sellers of the cladding materials about how they came to market potentially dangerous products are likely to lead to their invoking the privilege against self-incrimination,” Sir Martin Moore-Bick said.
12 February 2020
Pressure mounts on the inquiry as a decision needs to be made on immunity whilst providing evidence.
Pressure mounts on the inquiry as a decision needs to be made on immunity whilst providing evidence.
The Confederation of British Industry (CBI), Britain’s biggest business lobby group, has called for ‘maximum transparency and accountability’ in the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry. This comes in response to the companies involved in the hearing asking for immunity from prosecution if they do provide evidence, which led to the tragic deaths of 72 residents in 2017. The CBI added that all parties must collaborate fully ‘without exception or preconditions’.
This pressure has led the chair of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to delay the hearing for at least two weeks so that the Attorney General can decide if any evidence provided by the companies will be used against them in any future prosecutions.
26 February 2020
With the UK government recently announcing that a new building safety regulator for England will be created. This regulator will be overseen by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), this regulatory body aims to “improve high-rise residential building and fire safety.” The new body will be overseen by Dame Judith Hackitt, who chaired the report in response to the Grenfell Tower fire.
On the other hand, the Scottish government quickly responded in 2017 to the Grenfell Tower fire by launching two independent reviews. The Cole and Stollard review aimed to look at Scottish building standards, whilst another looked to assess the Scottish fire safety regime. Both reviews led to legislation being introduced as a result of the recommendations. For instance, “enhanced standards for smoke, heat and carbon monoxide detectors and alarm systems" alongside increased use of sprinklers and second escape stairs in new buildings, as well as a ban on combustible cladding on a range of buildings”. Whilst these legislative changes were deemed a success it appears that Scotland could be left behind as reform in England is gaining momentum.
16 January 2020
Dame Judith Hackitt suggests more house builders could be failing to meet fire safety measures
Dame Judith Hackitt, the well known and respected author of Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, has weighed in on QC Stephanie Barwise's report into Persimmon by saying that it would be surprising if it was only Persimmon's properties who have failed to meet fire safety measures.
20 December 2019
Second-largest house builder in the UK failing to meet the mark on fire safety issues.
Second-largest house builder in the UK failing to meet the mark on fire safety issues.
Persimmon told to consider their purpose and ambition in a scathing review that reveals shortcomings with fire prevention measures and below par workmanship on its properties nationwide.
A wide-ranging report launched by the Persimmon Board to investigate allegations over poor quality and executive pay. More importantly this report was intended to pave the way for Persimmon to ‘adopt the principles of the Hackitt Review’.
9 October 2019
FIA Annual Report for 2019 is available now
Ian Moore, FIA CEO, said, "Following our successful contribution to the [Hackitt] report, we have been heavily involved with the working groups on competency which, being mentioned 152 times in the report, is clearly an issue that most of us have known about for many years.
"The next stage is to tackle competency failings identified in the Hackitt Review by looking at a radical and wide-ranging set of measures to improve the competence of those who design, construct, inspect, maintain and operate higher risk residential buildings (HRRBs) and make them safer for the public."
25 September 2019
Deregulation responsible for Grenfell, claims FBU report
Matt Wrack, FBU general secretary, said: “The terrible loss of life at Grenfell Tower was ultimately caused by political decisions made at the highest level. For at least 40 years, policies relating to housing, local government, the fire and rescue service, research and other areas have been driven by the agenda of cuts, deregulation and privatisation.”
“A deep-seated culture of complacency has developed regarding fire policy and fire safety and central government bears ultimate responsibility.”
4 June 2019
Very little change has been made despite Hackitt review
Firms ‘yet to change’ the way they work
Construction companies have changed very little in response to the Hackitt review after the Grenfell fire, according to a new survey by Building. A majority of the firms who took part in the survey have ‘yet to change’ the way they work, despite the recommendations made in the review.
More than half (56%) of firms said they had not changed how they assess the competency of staff and 46% said they had ‘not been swayed’ by the Hackitt report's recommendations. Over a third of those who took part in the survey reported no change in terms of checking on the quality of work being undertaken on site, despite the report calling for a wholesale shift in attitudes towards building safety.
19 December 2018
Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety - Implementation Plan
The Government has published its plan for implementing changes to the regulatory framework around building safety, in response to the recommendations set out in the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety. The implementation plan summarises the work that has already been undertaken to make existing buildings safe and to kick start system reform, as well as the action Government will take to fundamentally reform the building safety system in the future.
22 May 2018
The FIA responds to the Hackitt review
The Fire Industry Association (FIA) welcomes Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety. We, amongst others, have been pushing for years for changes in the regulatory environment and competency levels in the fire safety industry.
The Hackitt Report is a very wide ranging review of the processes used to ensure high standards of fire safety within the design, construction and end use of buildings. It includes recommendations of major changes of those processes when used on High Risk Residential Buildings (HRRBs) and also recommends that the government consider implementing those changes to other high risk buildings, such as hospitals and care homes.
The FIA would agree with this and would encourage the government to implement improvements to fire safety standards more widely, rather than just for HRRBs.
17 May 2018
Dame Judith Hackitt calls for ‘radical rethink’ of fire safety
In her government-commissioned report, Dame Judith said a "genuine" culture change was needed in building. Following the fire, cladding on hundreds of buildings failed safety tests, but the report stops short of calling for a ban on cladding.
The independent review has been looking into regulations around the design, construction and management of buildings in relation to fire safety. In her final report, Dame Judith said her proposals would result in a new regulator to oversee the construction and management of buildings, starting with 2,000 to 3,000 "high risk" residential buildings with more than 10 stories.
18 December 2017
‘Culture change’ needed to building safety post-Grenfell
A ‘culture change’ in attitudes is needed to building safety to prevent further tragedies such as that at Grenfell Tower, according to Dame Judith Hackitt, responsible for leading the review into regulations and fire safety.
The report has now been published, and can be read here.
She told BBC Radio 4's Today programme people had to “commit to making buildings safer” instead of “simply doing things at least cost”.
She also criticised complex systems for making guidance harder to follow.
Dame Judith told the BBC it was a “combination” of the regulations and the people that should enforce them that was to blame for the fire.
17 November 2017
‘Outdated’ housing laws slammed in new post-Grenfell report
A new report commissioned by homeless charity Shelter and carried out by the University of Bristol and the University of Kent has criticised housing laws as ‘outdated, complex and patchily enforced’.
Researchers surveyed almost 1,000 people with a role in the housing sector, including tenants and landlords.
The research found that:
- 85 per cent of professionals believe housing health and safety law is not fit for purpose, after years of neglect and deregulation
- The official inquiry is ongoing, but failings in the law are likely to be a contributing factor in the Grenfell tragedy
- Outdated laws have left social landlords unpoliced, unaccountable and free to ignore their tenants
- Far too many families in social housing are left living in awful conditions and sometimes in outright danger because of this
- A culture change is needed, with the state needing to accept responsibility for keeping people in social housing safe
13 November 2017
London Fire Brigade calls for qualifications and accreditation in fire industry
The London Fire Brigade (LFB) has warned that further disasters such as those which occurred at the Grenfell Tower could happen unless fire safety is treated more seriously.
The brigade made a series of recommendations to the body reviewing building regulations in the wake of the tragedy.
The LFB described the review as a "once in a generation" chance for change.
The brigade told the independent inquiry urgent action was needed to regulate those responsible for designing, constructing and maintaining buildings.
It said a loophole in the current arrangements allowed fire safety elements in buildings to be designed without any involvement from fire safety professionals.
14 June 2017
Grenfell Tower Fire: Statement from the Fire Sector Federation
The Fire Sector Federation (FSF) wishes send its condolences to all those affected by the Grenfell Tower tragedy. We also wish to praise the fire service for its prompt and professional response.
Although a fire on such a scale is unprecedented in the UK, there have been a number of similar incidents both here and around the world. The FSF has long expressed major concerns about the apparent disjoint in the processes which aim to ensure fire safety within the built environment, as well as concerns about the combustibility of certain modern building materials.
While we must wait for a full investigation into the cause of the fire and the reasons for such rapid fire spread in this tragic incident, the Fire Sector Federation will be continuing to campaign for improvements in fire safety legislation and in ensuring the safety of the public and our built environment.
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