Do you work in portable fire extinguishing services?
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15 February 2018
If your company delivers services in portable fire extinguishers, you're about to get some help to promote your services!
The FIA plans to run a campaign promoting the use of portable fire extinguishers to a range of small businesses across the UK, pointing them towards using an FIA Member company to service and maintain their extinguishers.
So if you're already a member, this will be a big bonus in promotional activity on your behalf - and if you're not yet a member, perhaps now is the time to consider it so that your services are included in the promotion.
But to help in this promotion we need companies that work in portable fire extinguishing to help us carry out a survey. The last time we ran this survey, we were able to factually PROVE that fire extinguishers can put out 88% of fires. We want to run the survey again but we need a much larger amount of data to help us out.
So how can you help?
Simply click the link below, then print out the survey (enough for each service visit over the next 4-8 weeks), then hand them to your technicians. The form must be filled out on site. Once done, send all the forms back to us. If enough companies do this for us, we will have enough proof about how extinguishers are being used to be able to run a big marketing campaign to boost the use of extinguishers and sell your services for you!
Download the survey here>>
When you're done, send them back to:
Robert Thilthorpe, Extinguishing Council Secretary,
Fire Industry Association,
Tudor House,
Kingsway Business Park,
Oldfield Road,
TW12 2HD
The survey can also be completed digitally and returned to the FIA’s Extinguishing Council Secretary, Robert Thilthorpe by emailing: [email protected].
Final closing date for submissions is 30th March 2018 (this has been extended from the last deadline - so please get them in to us!)
Thank you for taking part and we look forward to seeing the results of the surveys you send us.