67% of employers have jobs that need filling

16 April 2019 by David Murffit, FIA, Marketing Group Chairman

The FIA carried out a quick one question survey to find out if there was a recruitment crisis in the fire industry.

We were delighted to have received responses from those we contacted and the results from our respondents is as follows:

67% of employers said they need fire detection and alarm technicians – making it clear that there is a real and urgent need for skills in this area. 

In contrast, the need for portable fire extinguishing technicians is less.  72% of employers said that they were not hiring, and of those employers remaining that were hiring portable fire extinguishing technicians, the majority were only hiring 1-2 technicians. 

The story for fire risk assessors is similar to that of portable fire extinguishing technicians, according to the survey.  59% of employers are not hiring any fire risk assessors, but there is a need: those that are hiring, are hiring 1-2 risk assessors for the main part, but 11% of employers are hiring between 2 and 10 fire risk assessors. 

As we had originally thought, the biggest need is for fire detection and alarm technicians. 

Finding suitably qualified people is somewhat difficult as the survey suggests, therefore FIA are delighted to be able to provide the training required to give people with skills which are aligned but not specific the knowledge to become competent fire systems technicians.

The FIA offers four qualifications in fire detection and alarm design, installation, maintenance, and commissioning. Our qualifications have been produced in consultation with industry leaders and employers, matching the needs of the industry with what learners really need to understand.