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04 February 2019 by Robert Thilthorpe, FIA Technical Manager

The Fire Industry Association’s (FIA’s) Extinguishing Council has updated a number of Guidance Notes and Fact Files on a range of different portable fire extinguishing topics.

For those working with portable extinguishers, the below fact files will help you and your team have a better understanding of the surrounding best practice.

Robert Thilthorpe, Technical Manager of the FIA and Secretary to Extinguishing Council explained that these Fact Files were updated recently, so if you have the old version, you download the new versions to stay up to date.

Fact File 78 – Portable extinguishers under the ADR

The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) refers to portable fire extinguishers in two ways:

A. As an article for transport to which the provisions of the ADR apply, and

B. As safety equipment required to be carried by vehicles transporting dangerous goods.

This Fact File provides guidance on both areas.

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Fact File 79 – Class F Fires 

This Fact File has been created to help understand what Class F fires are, why a specific standard was introduced, and how to choose and install the correct Class F fire extinguisher.



Fact File 81 – Fire Extinguishers and Electrical risks

This Fact File is intended to give information on references relating to fire extinguishers on electrical risks in standards.

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Environmental Guidance – Gaseous Fire Extinguisher Disposal 

This FIA guide is intended to give guidance on the environmental issues relating to gaseous agents in fire extinguishers. It covers the applicable legislation, how to handle the extinguishers/Gaseous media at the customers site and looks at the available options for collection and disposal. 

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Environmental Guidance – Powder fire extinguisher disposal

This FIA guide is intended to give advice on the environmental issues relating to firefighting powder, with particular reference to fire extinguishers. It covers the applicable legislation, how to handle the extinguishers/powder at the customer’s site and looks at the available options for collection and disposal.  

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