An important update that could change where you are allowed to work.

02 March 2020

2020 is set for a series of important changes in the UK-EU relation. The FIA will keep you updated so that you can stay ahead.

Post 31/12/2020 (unless there is an agreement to the contrary) the EU will not recognise engineer’s F Gas certificates issued through a UK agency such as the FIA (Fire )and other providers.

As quite a sizeable percentage of the refrigeration engineers in Ireland and about 95% of the Fire engineers are certified through UK agencies the Irish Government passed legislation which allowed for an exchange process for UK certificates. This allowed for issue of an EU certificate to anyone with a valid UK certificate.

The process originally lasted up to 31st December 2019. However, this has now been extended for the transition period and lasts up to 31/12/2020 – again unless there is some movement to the contrary.

An engineer can apply to the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland (EPA) and simply fill out their details and upload a copy of their UK certificate. The EPA will then forward what is termed an “Exchange” certificate but the engineers UK certificate still remains valid.

This might be of interest to UK engineers who will undertake work in Ireland post-Brexit.

It is my understanding that they can also use the exchange certificate in other EU member states if they have an attested translation of the certificate from English into the language of the state, they wish to work in.

The process can be completed by logging on to . Select the Icon “Brexit Implications ODS and F-Gas” on the right-hand side of the home page and it will take you to the process