BSI has appointed FIA member, Mark Bristow, as the National Chair of the committee FSH/2 "Fire Extinguishers"
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27 February 2024
The British Standards Institution (BSI) has appointed Mark Bristow as the National Chair of the committee FSH/2 “Fire Extinguishers”.
Mark is well known throughout portable fire extinguisher sector as a long-term (15 years) member of the FIA Extinguishing Council and BSI committee FSH/2 “Fire Extinguishers” representing his employer LS UK Fire Group Ltd where he works as their Group Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) Director.
Amongst other FIA responsibilities he is Chair of EMTC (extinguishing manufacturers technical committee), a member of PSC (portable servicing committee) and many SIG (special interest group) working groups – wherever Mark’s expertise and opinion are sought.
What does the BSI committee FSH/2 “Fire Extinguishers” do?
This committee’s task is to develop, draft and publish all UK standards for portable fire extinguishers. This includes their manufacture, selection, and maintenance; together with working groups for lithium-ion battery fires, fire blankets and manually transportable fire extinguishers. In addition, the committee participates and promotes the UK’s expertise in portable fire extinguishers into European and International standards and working groups.
As such, this gives FIA members a voice in the development of the standards that they work to and promote to their customers and end users. This voice is hugely important in improving life safety for those who may need to use portable fire extinguishers – saving lives and protecting property.
Mark looks forward to working on your behalf in such an important and well-established committee with the aim of improving its output, prominence, and ability to make a difference in life safety for end users.
Discover how you can make a difference in the fire industry by getting involved with our councils, working groups and special interest groups. Learn more here.
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