Households in Nottinghamshire will pay an extra £5 on their annual council tax bill after councillors approved a maximum increase.

Nottinghamshire Fire Authority has given the go-ahead for the rise to cover fire services for 2023/24.

The rise followed the authority's U-turn on £2million of proposed cuts to fire services in Nottingham.

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) hailed it as a "fantastic result" for the city.

The authority had planned to stop night shifts at West Bridgford Fire Station while reinstating Ashfield's, while removing two fire engines from London Road and Stockhill stations.

The increase was approved unanimously at a meeting on Friday.

'Increased risk'

Of 1,800 people who responded to a public consultation, 80% supported the council tax increase to enable Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service to continue funding the services.

Ben Selby of the FBU said: "This is a fantastic result for the people of Nottinghamshire.

"These cuts would have inevitably increased fire service response times, putting the lives of those that live and work in the affected areas at an increased risk."

The £5 increase for an average Band D property is the largest allowed without the need for a local referendum.

Residents in the county are facing additional hikes in council tax rates, as Nottinghamshire County Council plans to raise its bill.

The authority plans to raise its charges to an extra £53.05 and £61.88 per year for Band A and B homes respectively.

Meanwhile, Nottingham City Council plans to raise bills by the maximum 4.99%.

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