We want to hear from our community as part of our commitment to actively promote, improve, and perfect fire safety methods, devices, services, and apparatus! FIA would like to hear from all its members, non-members, and followers about what type of guidance, news articles, and information packs they would like to see more of. By providing your feedback, we will be able to shape the direction of future content.

12 April 2023

Our mission at the Fire Industry Association is to provide fire safety professionals with valuable resources and information for their professional development. As part of this mission, we are constantly striving to develop content that is informed, engaging, and useful to our community.

However, we recognise that the needs and interests of our community are diverse and constantly evolving. That is why we are asking for your feedback on the type of content you would like to see more of from the Fire Industry Association. We value your opinion and want to ensure that we are providing content that is relevant and useful to you.

Whether you are looking for technical advice, regulatory updates, or insights on industry trends, we want to hear from you. We invite you to join the conversation and share your thoughts and ideas on the type of content that would be most valuable to you and the industry.

To participate in the conversation, you can reach out to us through our website here or our social media channels. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to create content that supports the ongoing success and growth of the fire industry.