The BSI is currently consulting on Part 1 of BS 8644-1, the new British Standard for the digital management of fire safety information. This part of BS 8644 gives recommendations for the management, presentation, and exchange of fire safety information using digital information management processes.

All comments need to be made by 22nd August 2021.

The standard covers the following stages in the lifecycle of assets in all parts of the built environment (including infrastructure): briefing, design, construction (including on-site fire safety information), handover, operation, and fire and rescue service intervention.

Traditionally, the management of fire safety information during these different phases has been conducted in silos. In general, those responsible for fire safety at the different stages have worked independently of each other with inconsistent practices and standards in the handover of information.

The development of BS 8644-1 stems from this lack of availability of accessible and relevant fire safety information. While the standard applies primarily to newly built assets, its principles can also be applied to existing assets. Its key strategic objectives are to:

  • Provide a safer built environment appropriate for intended end-users.
  • Reduce disruption and property loss from fire.
  • Enable relevant, accurate and accessible fire safety information to be available to the right people at the right time.


This part of BS 8644 gives recommendations for the management, presentation and exchange of fire safety information using digital information management processes.

It covers the following stages in the lifecycle of assets in all parts of the built environment, including infrastructure:

a)    briefing stage;

b)    design stage;

c)     construction stage (including on-site fire safety information);

d)    asset handover;

e)    asset in operation; and

f)     fire and rescue service intervention.

It is intended to be used by individuals and organizations that contribute to and influence the definition of design, construction, use, maintenance and end of life of a built asset. It is applicable primarily to newly built assets, but its principles can also be applied to existing assets.
