Donations wanted for Fire Aid charity

At the June FIRESA Council meeting, we were delighted to receive a presentation from Fire Aid, a charity that provides donations of Fire and Rescue equipment and training to over 40 countries worldwide. We were joined not only by Claire Hoyland of the charity but also by its Chair Jim Fitzpatrick MP who was a London fire fighter for 25 years before entering parliament in 1997 and who retains a strong interest in fire safety.

They achieve an incredible amount through donations of equipment and by enabling volunteers to assist in country. Donations to date include 190 fire appliances, 6 ambulances and more than 1000 sets of breathing apparatus while providing thousands of hours of training for over 4000 fire fighters.

It represents a great opportunity to support fire safety in the developing world so we would welcome you to promote Fire Aid through your own outlets, get involved, donate equipment and money and attend its Annual Conference in Manchester on 21st November.

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