You have a fire alarm system in your building and every so often a chap comes in with a pole and wanders round your building “servicing” your fire alarm system, job done, or is it?

19 February 2015 by Robert Thilthorpe, FIA Technical Manager

You have a fire alarm system in your building and every so often a chap comes in with a pole and wanders round your building “servicing” your fire alarm system, job done, or is it?

Did you know that you have your own responsibilities with regard to the maintenance of your fire alarm system? These responsibilities are written down in the British Standard for fire alarm systems BS 5839-1 and it very clearly in “standards speak” tells you what you have to do. Legally under the fire safety order you need to ensure that your system is maintained and complying with the standard is the best way of doing this. BS 5839-1 is about 170 pages long, costs nearly £300 and you the bits you need to know are on pages 120 and 121.

FD&A Infographic

To make your life much easier FIA have produced a single page infographic that highlights what you as the owner of the fire alarm system should be doing to ensure your system is working properly and comply with the recommendations of the British Standard.

FD&A infographic


This infographic is the first in a series that will assist owners and end-users meet their responsibilities regard the maintenance of their active fire protection products and systems.

So if you don't want to miss them, watch our our news or better sign up to our news letter as the next infographics are coming soon!