18 October 2011 by ,

The Watermist Co-Ordination Group of the FIA and the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) in conjunction with the International Watermist Association has come together this week to hold two Watermist Seminars at the FIA office in Hampton.

Today is the first of the two seminars which look at the most recent developments in the watermist sector. Day one is aimed at the fire professional who works with watermist systems, titled, 'Understanding Recent Developments in Watermist'. While, day two titled, 'How Recent Developments in Watermist Affect You', caters for the end-user of  (those who use) watermist systems.

A major driving force behind the watermist initiatives has been Simon Rooks from Hall and Kay who, in conjunction with the lead team, has worked on a new Guidance Document.

Local Authority Building Control CEO, Paul Everall, gave the keynote presentation and welcomed the sector led approach to both Standards development and the Guidance Document. In addition, Paul commented upon the successful launch of the FIRAS third Party Certification Scheme for Watermist.

Nick Ketteridge of Ultrass gave a comprehensive presentation on the ‘Principles of Mist’ and this, in turn, provoked a lot of questions regarding the use of the systems particularly in the food industry.

The BSi documents DD8458 and DD8489 were succinctly described by Bob Whiteley (Tyco) and the use of these documents was the subject of many questions.

As for all fire protection systems, the question of fire test regimes is paramount and Louise Jackman of BRE discussed the basic requirements and protocols for the new Standards for companies that wish to have their systems tested and assessed.

More to come on Day Two – watch this space!