Hammersmith and Fulham pledges £20m

20 July 2017

Following the news that Brent council would put forward £10m in funding for fire safety improvements in high rise buildings, another London Borough Council has followed suit.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council has put promised a £20m package which will include sprinklers in high-rise blocks, free replacements for faulty appliances, safety checks for every council high-rise home, restoring concierge staff and higher-standard fire.

Following the Grenfell Tower fire last month, H&F Council has been reviewing fire safety across the borough.

“The fire in Kensington has made one thing clear – just meeting minimum fire standards is not enough,” said Council Leader, Cllr Stephen Cowan.

“The regulations are clearly not good enough so we will be going above and beyond what is required.

“We want our residents to know that we care deeply about their safety, we understand their concerns, and we will do everything it takes to keep them safe.

“All councils need to do more to make sure tenants’ and leaseholders’ homes are safe. We’ve got work to do here – that’s why we’ve developed an H&F Fire Safety Plus programme to make sure our properties meet higher standards. And we’ve set aside £20million to pay for it.”

The full package introduced by the council includes:

  • Sprinklers in tower blocks
  • Replacement of concierge staff
    Better fire assessments
  • Safety checks for every council high-rise home
  • Free replacement appliances
  • New fire doors
  • Free heat detectors
  • Free plug adaptors
  • A new resident advisory group
  • Fire safety plus booklets

Original source

Hammersmith and Fulham Council