Following the news we published on 2nd October, the Association responds to independent review

‘We need a simplification of the rules and better enforcement of existing requirements’ is the verdict of the FIA in response to the recent call for evidence for the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.

The review follows on from the tragic Grenfell Tower Fire, and the Association and its Special Interest Group comprised of industry experts, given very short response time by government, have provided rigorous feedback to the review.

The FIA also states that there are also a large number of detailed aspects of fire safety regulations which are not well understood. 

You can download the full FIA response below.

FIA Review Building safety Regulation 13-10-17.pdf


The FIA provided responses to the following questions from the review:

Q1 - To what extent are the current building, housing and fire safety legislation and associated guidance clear and understood by those who need to follow them? 

Q2 Are the roles, responsibilities & accountabilities of different individuals (in relation to adhering to fire safety requirements or assessing compliance at each key stage of the building process clear, effective and timely? 

Q3 Does the current system place a clear over-arching responsibility on named parties for maintaining/ ensuring fire safety requirements are met in a high-rise multi occupancy building? Where could this be made clearer? What would be the benefits of doing so? 

Q4 What evidence is there that those with responsibility for 

Q5 Is the current checking and inspection regime adequately backed up through enforcement and sanctions? 

Q6 Is there an effective means for tenants and other residents to raise concerns about the fire safety of their buildings and to receive feedback? Where might changes be required to ensure tenants’/residents’ voices on fire safety can be heard in the future? 

Q7 Does the way building components are safety checked, certified and marketed in relation to building regulations requirements need to change? 

Q8 What would be the advantages/disadvantages of creating a greater degree of differentiation in the regulatory system between high-rise multi occupancy residential buildings and other less complex types of residential/non-residential buildings? 

Q9 What examples exist from outside England of good practice in regulatory systems that aim to ensure fire safety in similar buildings? What aspects should be specifically considered and why?