Dandara is the 49th developer to consent to signing the government's contract for fire safety.

Thus, despite mounting pressure, only two businesses Abbey Developments and Rydon Homes, the sister business of Grenfell contractor Rydon Maintenance remain unwilling to sign.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities published a contract in January that requires companies to fix fire safety flaws in structures they develop, and housebuilder Dandara is the most recent to sign on.

By the deadline of March 13th, 11 businesses were still refusing to sign the commitment, despite warnings from Housing Secretary Michael Gove that those who refused would not be permitted to start new home construction projects or receive building control approval for currently ongoing work.

A new "Responsible Actors Scheme" that will serve as a guide for procurement bodies and other groups regarding which companies can be hired to work in England will be created, and companies that agree to sign up will be added to it.

The contract gives teeth to commitments made in the non-binding developer pledge to remediate life-critical fire safety issues on buildings of at least 11 metres developed or refurbished in England over the past 30 years.

Dandara declared that after approving the developer remediation contract earlier this year and the pledge letter this year.

“Dandara has appointed several partners to undertake the initial surveys, which will be used to inform the remediation works and support in the creation of a reparation timeline that can be completed with minimal disruption to residents,” a spokesperson said.

“Throughout the remediation process, Dandara will continue to work closely with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, freeholders, leaseholders, contractors, consultants and management companies to ensure all work is delivered to a high standard and in line with the developer remediation contract.”

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