Biggest reform in 40 years

15 October 2019

It was announced in the Queen's Speech (9 October) that new legislation will be introduced for landlords and building developers to ensure tenants and homeowners are safe post-Grenfell. 

The most notable reform, described as the 'biggest in 40 years', will be the creation of a new buildings safety regulator.

Housing secretary Robert Jenrick said, “We must never see a tragic incident like the fire at Grenfell Tower happen again.

"That is why we are introducing the biggest reforms to the building safety regime in nearly 40 years."

The regulator will be in charge of imposing stronger obligations on those responsible for the safety of high-rise buildings throughout design, construction and occupation and will be able to apply criminal sanctions to building owners who break the rules. 

“The current system will be overhauled and a new regulator with powers to enforce criminal sanctions will be at the heart of protecting residents," Robert said.

“This new legislation will also give residents a stronger voice to ensure that their safety is the top priority of every building owner and developer.”

In response to the news, Kate Henderson, CEO of the National Housing Federation said she welcomed the reforms but said more needed to be done than just a new regulator.

“The Government has to make sure that funding is available to meet the cost of essential safety works where the regulatory system has failed," she said.  

The conclusions of the public inquiry on the Grenfell Tower fire is due to be published on the 30 October 2019. 

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