Residents forced out of city centre apartments over fire safety concerns
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02 March 2016
Residents of a Manchester city centre housing development have been forced to move out of their homes over concerns over fireproofing in the properties.
The Manchester Evening News reports that residents of Islington Wharf Mews will have to leave their properties, which many only bought in the last year, for up to 10 months whilst improvements are undertaken.
ISIS Waterside is the firm responsible for the construction of the development, however the MEN reports that a private firm had approved fireproofing in the homes on behalf of the developer, rather than the council.
A visit from the fire and rescue service and the town hall’s building control department raised the fireproofing issue.
Councilor Kate Chappell, Manchester council’s executive member for environment, said: “For building regulations, developers can either appoint the local authority building control or an approved inspector. In this case a private company was used.
“When issues came to light, we ensured remedial action was being taken – both in the interim and long term.”
Nigel Franklin, Director of ISIS Waterside Regeneration, said: "In relation to Islington Wharf Mews our recently completed second phase of development, a number of issues relating to the original construction of the building have recently come to light.
“We received all of the necessary Building Regulations approvals and certification at the point of sale, so we had no reason to suspect that there was any non-compliance.
“We are undertaking a full and thorough investigation as to how these issues came about. We have been in regular communication with all of the residents at Islington Wharf Mews and we are working closely and constructively with them on our plans to ensure that the issues are resolved speedily.”
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