People with disabilities put at risk

07 March 2017

Reports published by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) have found a number of residential services failed to comply with rules around fire safety, according to RTE.

The Railway View & Finnside centre in County Donegal which is run by the Health Service Executive, was criticised over its fire alarm system and fall prevention measures.

HIQA noted some improvements in the facility, which is home to 11 residents, following previous inspections, but said the HSE did not ensure that an adequate fire alarm system was in place.

The report was one of 27 published by HIQA today.

In relation to the Rosses View facility in Sligo, which is home to 35 residents and also managed by the HSE, HIQA also identified fire safety is a significant concern.

It found there were failures of governance and management of the centre and required staff records were incomplete.  

The inspectors noted obstruction of fire-escape routes and poor access for staff to keys for fire doors in the event of fire.

Problems were also identified with emergency evacuation plans for residents.

This was the fourth inspection of the facility, in which 30 people reside, and some actions recommended by HIQA during previous visits had not been implemented.

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