Nottingham landlord admits fire safety failings
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04 September 2015
A landlord and his property company in Nottingham have admitted to five counts of breaching fire safety laws.
Mr Robert Singh was accused of putting the lives of the students to whom he letted out the properties at risk. He was granted unconditional bail at Nottingham Crown Court before a further court appearance in November.
The charges included failing to carry out a risk assessment, failing to ensure that the premises had suitable fire detectors and smoke alarms, and failing to make sure there was adequate means of escape in the event of a fire.
Other charges included failing to comply with an enforcement notice and breaching a prohibition notice.
Bernard Thorogood, prosecuting, said: “The failings were gross, all the more so in light of the defendants’ experience in managing residential properties.
“There was a clear commercial benefit to the premises opening, and it in fact opened in an unsafe condition.”
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