Announcing the launch of our new lithium-ion battery safety course in Northwich, the first session is tailored for first responders, with future sessions designed for various industry sectors.

04 April 2024

The Fire Industry Association (FIA) is excited to unveil our highly awaited coruse aimed at bolstering safety protocols in the face of the lithium-ion battery revolution: a comprehensive one-day course titled "Lithium-Ion Battery Fires Awareness Day." This initiative marks a significant milestone in our commitment to safety and education within the fire industry. The first session, set to take place in Northwich, is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs and challenges faced by first responders. 

Lithium-ion batteries are integral to a wide array of technologies, from electric vehicles to everyday electronic devices, making understanding their risks and safety measures critically important. The Northwich session focuses on equipping first responders—fire consultants, safety managers, operational F&RS crews, police, and ambulance staff—with crucial knowledge on handling lithium battery incidents. It covers the essentials of lithium battery operation, the phenomenon of thermal runaway, its consequences, and the strategies for effective incident management. 

The course delves deep into the technicalities of battery chemistry, exploring the potential hazards and toxicity issues, alongside offering insights into the various types of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and Domestic Battery Storage Systems (DBESS). It's an invaluable resource for those at the frontline of emergency responses, providing them with the tools and knowledge to assess and mitigate the risks associated with lithium-ion batteries. 

While the first course in Northwich is exclusively for first responders, the FIA is planning subsequent sessions that will be adapted to meet the needs of other sectors within the industry. This flexible approach ensures that as the use of lithium-ion batteries continues to expand, professionals across all areas of the fire safety and emergency response spectrum will have access to tailored, expert training. 

This launch signifies more than just an educational opportunity; it represents the FIA's dedication to enhancing industry standards and safety in an evolving technological landscape. We encourage first responders to join us in Northwich for this essential training, setting the stage for a series of courses designed to empower the wider industry with knowledge and skills for the future.