Elderly and disabled people at risk

16 August 2019

A fire that broke out in Beechmere Retirement Complex in Crewe recently has drawn a sharp rebuke from the local member of parliament, who is calling for the prime minister to review building and fire safety regulations. 

The MP for Crewe and Nantwich, Laura Smith, has contacted Boris Johnson asking him why elderly and disabled people are allowed to live in timber-framed buildings with no sprinklers and a stay-put policy. 

Ms Smith wants all buildings in Cheshire to be urgently audited to prevent similar fires. 

She said, "I await the outcome of the formal investigation into the fire before reaching any conclusion but I believe that the government needs to urgently review our building regulations.

"I was shocked to discover that elderly people, many of whom had disabilities and care needs, had been housed in a timber-framed building without any sprinklers and a ‘stay-put’ policy in the event of a fire.

"At the end of the day, companies will work to the rules set by the government and we need those rules to put safety first. We need more assisted living homes but we also need to know that people are safe in their beds."

Original Source
Cheshire Live