Lincoln landlords handed fines for unsafe properties
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11 August 2016
Lincoln landlords who allowed a catalogue of health and safety breaches at their property have been fined more than £30,000, reports The Lincolnite.
Balt Properties Ltd, its Managing Director Vytautas Sidlauskas and Manager Valdas Kakta, were each found guilty of 14 offences in court, following an investigation by the local council.
Magistrates described the case as ‘very serious’ and stated that Balt Properties Ltd had ‘failed in its duty to adequately protect and provide for its tenants.’
Officers from the council found a raft of serious health and safety breaches, including broken and missing smoke alarms, loose banisters and overcrowding.
Eight tenants shared one kitchen and bathroom, while fire escapes were blocked by furniture and doors padlocked from the outside.
The total penalty was £31,251, comprising fines totalling £29,090, victim surcharges of £211 and a contribution to the city council’s legal costs awarded in full, totalling £1,500.
David King, Rogue Landlords Team Leader, said: “This property has been mismanaged to such a degree it represents a real and present danger to the tenants from numerous hazards: there is inadequate fire safety, an inadequate fire warning system, an inadequate means of escape, inadequate electrical safety, inadequate hygiene and bathing facilities, overcrowding, inadequate food preparation and storage facilities, and tripping and lighting hazards in common areas of the premises.
“Taken together, these add up to a dangerous building containing numerous accidents waiting to happen.
“By not taking action to remedy these defects, the defendants took advantage of the occupiers, taking considerable sums in rent while leaving them in sub-standard and dangerous accommodation.”Top of FormBottom of Form
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