Taking action to improve fire safety

01 November 2019

With the publishing of the long-awaited Grenfell Inquiry on Wednesday, the London Fire Brigade (LFB) were scrutinised for their actions during the fire and in their preparations in the lead up to it. 

Dany Cotton, LFB fire commissioner, gave her comment on the Inquiry, stating that the LFB will 'carefully and fully consider' the report and 'take every action we can to improve public safety'.

She states that it is right that the actions of the LFB were fully examined in the inquiry, but says she is 'disappointed that measures we have been calling for are not in the recommendations, including the wider use of sprinklers in both new and existing buildings.'

"We welcome the Chairman’s recognition of the courage, commitment and bravery of firefighters on the night, but we are disappointed at some of the criticism of individual staff members who were placed in completely unprecedented circumstances and faced the most unimaginable conditions while trying to save the lives of others," she said.

Also disappointing for Dany is that the wider use of sprinklers in new and existing buildings ae not included in the recommendations. 

She says that the LFB have made, and will continue to make, changes to policies, training and equipment.

"We are lobbying for major building regulation change and urgent research into ‘buildings that fail’ on fire safety, which leaves the national ‘stay put’ strategy no longer viable," she said. 

Concluding, Dany said, "We will never give up until all of the changes we are calling for to protect residents have been made."

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