It is crucial for FIA members to take part and let us know your experience of being an FIA member so that we can improve to better serve your needs.

02 November 2020

It’s time to have your say on all things FIA.  We run a satisfaction survey every year for all of our members because we value your opinion and want to know what your experience of being an FIA member has been.

This is vital information for us as we constantly seek to improve how we can best serve our member’s needs and help your business to grow and thrive in the fire industry. We want to hear your honest views the good, the bad and the ugly. The good helps us to know what works.  Perhaps you think one training course is outstanding over and above the rest.  When we know why something is good we can look to replicate that in other areas to improve the FIA for everyone. The bad allows us to learn from our mistakes.  Sometimes it is hard to see your own areas of weakness.  That is why we need our members to be honest with us so we can turn weaknesses into strengths. Finally, the ugly, because if it exists, it needs to stop immediately.  We truly hope that there is no ‘ugly’ in what we do at the FIA, but if there is and we haven’t already seen it, we want to know about it asap so it can be addressed.