All involved in fire safety agree that there is a need to share information and to create solutions

29 April 2020

All involved in fire safety agree that there is a need to share information and to create solutions; Fire Safe Europe has built the space to do so with the European Fire Safety Community, a new, open-to-all, Fire Safe Europe membership.

This permanent online space enables fire safety stakeholders to connect, pool knowledge and collaboratively improve fire safety in buildings. +240 people have already joined the movement across Europe; register and like them benefit from:

  • Exclusive interviews with policymakers and fire safety experts;
  • Intelligence on legislation and initiatives on fire safety at EU level;
  • Interactive podcasts and webinars on central fire safety issues.
  • And much more…

The Community intends to foster the emergence of concrete solutions, that’s why it focuses in-depth on three highly relevant topics at EU level:

  • Data Collection: a dedicated Advisory Panel analyses what already exists on fire safety data collection, fosters exchanges of best practices and aims to support the European Commission’s tender on “Closing data gaps and paving the way for Pan-European fire safety efforts”. Perks of belonging to this group include an episode of the Data Project Podcast with MEP Theresa Griffin, as well as an exclusive webinar with Dr Kate Nguyen on the methodology and strategy used by the International Fire Safety Standards (IFSS) Coalition to develop their fire terminology glossary.
  • Facades Fire Safety: benefits of being in this Advisory Panel involve getting comparisons on regulation and standards as well as regular updates on the European Commssion’s work on the development of a European approach to assess the fire performance of facades.
  • Sustainable Buildings: amid the EU Green Deal, the Community intends to reinforce buildings’ sustainability by inserting into the sustainability debate an element that has been omitted so far: fire resilience.

Check out the European Fire Safety Community page for further details and to know more on the origins of this project (re)-read the article of Juliette Albiac, Fire Safe Europe’s Managing Director.