19 June 2020

Hear from industry leaders on the impact they believe COVID-19 has had on the fire safety sector.

Leaders from across the fire safety sector offered their expertise on how they believe the industry has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, and what their various associations have been doing to support their members. Presentations come from the heads of the Fire Industry Association (FIA), Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP), Fire Sector Federation and Fire Protection Association.

Following the presentations,speakers took audience questions, covering:

  • Whether the impact will have long lasting effects on the sector.
  • How have fire safety officers dealt with social distancing rules?
  • Will technology be utilised to improve standards in the UK going forward?


  • Ian Moore, CEO, FIA
  • Jonathan O’Neill, OBE, Managing Director, Fire Protection Association
  • Niall Rowan, CEO, ASFP
  • Dennis Davis, Executive Officer, Fire Sector Federation