FIRESA Council/CFOA Joint Seminar on 1st March 2017
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24 November 2016
We are delighted to announce our third joint FIRESA Council and CFOA event which is to take place on 1st March at the Fire Service College in Moreton-in-Marsh. This is an essential one-day Seminar and Product Showcase for UK fire-fighting suppliers, practitioners across the Fire and Rescue Services and indeed anyone with an interest in the evolution taking place within the Services.
With radical changes to our Fire and Rescue Services gaining ever-growing momentum, their collective mode of operation is becoming very different and much of this will be driven by a pro-active and co-operative partnership of the FRSs with the suppliers to the sector. In particular, the issues of collaborative procurement and a centralised FRS R&D function are advancing fast and both the FRS practitioners and suppliers will need an understanding of how these will work in practical terms. In addition, the Seminar will also cover government fire policy, the new CFOA Structure and the ‘UK Fire Offer’, an industry-led initiative to develop overseas opportunities for UK fire protection and fire-fighting suppliers.
Highly competitive pricing includes one day conference passes and exhibitor packages with an option for overnight accommodation and dinner the night prior with discounts for FIA members and FRS staff. With all Fire and Rescue Services implementing changes to their delivery models and many participating in a number of collaborative processes both within the sector and across the ‘Blue Light’ services, this is a genuinely unmissable event.