14 February 2022

The Fire & Security Matters Awards, which are being organised in partnership with The Fire Industry Association (FIA), is offering a final extension to the entry deadline – so you now have until 1 March 2022 at 23:59 to submit your free entry.

It only takes a few minutes to enter the Fire and Security Matters Awards. It’s the perfect way to gain much-deserved recognition for either yourself, your team, a colleague, your organisation, a product/service or a project. The FIA will be helping with the judging process, and we’d like to encourage members to enter before the deadline.

We’d strongly urge you to consider entering any of the following categories:

Fire Categories

  • Fire Innovation of the Year
  • Fire Manufacturer of the Year
  • Fire Safety Installer/Integrator of the Year
  • Fire Safety Project of the Year
  • Fire Safety Manager of the Year
  • Fire Safety Team of the Year


Security Categories

  • Security Manufacturer of the Year 
  • Guarding Company of the Year
  • Security Installer/Integrator of the Year
  • Security/Risk Manager of the Year 
  • Security Team of the Year 
  • Security Project of the Year 


The closing deadline for entries is 1 March 2022 at 23:50.

You can enter for FREE  here