The Fire Industry Association (FIA) are pleased to announce the first Fire Summit in Cyprus, an iconic event combining a comprehensive conference and exhibition with a Fire Industry Association Trade Mission.

01 September 2023

Scheduled for Thursday, 19th October, in Nicosia, this Fire Summit also signifies the official launch of FIA Cyprus. We invite all fire safety professionals from various sectors to participate in this valuable free event, promising a wealth of knowledge, innovation, and strategic insights

The event – conference and exhibition 

When - Thursday, 19th October, 09:00 to 15:30 

Where - Nicosia, State Fair Exhibition Centre 

Our Fire Summit is a dynamic free 1-day conference integrated with an exhibition, centred around four pivotal topics: 

  • Best practices in high-rise buildings 

  • The future of fire safety 

  • The challenges and solutions for the Fire Rescue Services 

  • The role of competence 

Each topic will have presentations from industry leaders as well as panel discussions with key stakeholders from both Cyprus and UK fire industries. 

This event will feature both UK and Cypriot companies that will be exhibiting their industry leading products and innovations. This exhibition provides another fantastic platform for your growth as a professional. 

What will you gain from this event? 

Professional development - Each seminar at our conference is CPD accredited by the FIA.  

In-depth knowledge - The conference covers critical topics in the fire safety industry.  

Industry expert access - The conference offers direct access to key stakeholders in the Cyprus and UK fire industries.  

Stay informed on challenges and solutions - Understanding the challenges faced and the strategies employed to overcome these is key to better performance in your role.  

Direct product insight - Explore innovative products and technologies first-hand.  

Discover solutions - The exhibition features solutions to a myriad of industry-specific challenges.  

Networking - Connecting directly with representatives from leading UK and Cypriot companies allows you to grow your professional network.  

Why are we doing this?  

Recent events have served as reminders of the critical role fire safety plays in safeguarding lives, properties, and the environment. Two major incidents in Cyprus, a fire at a hotel in Protaras and another at a recycling centre, have narrowly avoided turning into tragedies. Although no lives were lost, the considerable damage to property and the environment highlight the urgency for enhanced fire safety measures. 

We risk facing a catastrophic fire incident If we do not collectively address fire safety issues, with potentially devastating consequences. We need to act now to prevent this. This is where the Fire Summit comes into play – an event tailored to fire safety professionals to address, learn, and act on these critical issues. 

The Fire Summit is a unique opportunity for any professional in the fire safety industry. By attending, you can contribute to the collaborative effort to improve fire safety in Cyprus, enhancing your professional skills and playing a crucial part in preventing future fire incidents. 


For more information or to register your attendance at this event please visit here.

Alternatively, if you are a UK exporter in within the fire industry and would like to benefit from what this event has to offer, please visit the FIA website or email [email protected] for more information on exhibiting.