Fire and Rescue National Framework
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24 January 2018
The government is consulting on a revised Fire and Rescue National Framework for England which sets priorities and objectives for Fire and Rescue Authorities in connection with the discharge of their functions. Fire and Rescue Authorities have a duty to have regard to the Framework.
The National Framework was last published in 2012 and changes are required to embed the fire reform programme and provisions in the Policing and Crime Act 2017.
A copy of the consultation document may be found below and responses are required by 14 February 2018. Among the aspects of FRS/FRA responsibilities featured in the Framework Consultation are PCC/Mayoral governance, the role of HM Inspectorate and the need for more efficient procurement and collaboration.
National FrameworkFIRESA Council is producing a response on behalf of its Fire and Rescue suppliers but we certainly welcome any contributions from the wider FIA membership. If you do wish to make your views known on any aspect of the Consultation, please write to the FIRESA Council Secretary Dave Smith at [email protected]