01 March 2022

The refreshed FIA logo still maintains its core brand elements but has been given a clean, modern look, strengthening its visual position and impact in the fire industry domain.

The logo refresh comes as part of a larger strategy transformation and has been unveiled alongside a new taglineLeading Excellence in Fire since 1916.”  This is specifically crafted to drive loyalty and build the FIA reputation as a brand with long-standing reliability and history.

The new tagline represents our passion and commitment to the fire industry that we operate in, enabling us to respond pro-actively and rapidly to all emerging issues with an unrivalled level of expertise.

All the changes are reflected in the FIA Brand Guidelines that have been updated with the description of the types of FIA logos and usage rules. We have reflected the logo updates in our other logos: CPD, F-Gas and FIA Trained.

In response to our members’ requests, we have created a small FIA banner to be used under the e-mail signature of your company. Networking within and beyond the FIA is a key component of our Association and a major step to being a part of the FIA family is letting people in the industry know you are a member of the FIA. Please insert the FIA banner below into your e-mail signature to promote your membership and encourage your company colleagues to use it also.

As we venture through this transformation journey of our brand, we are aware of the ever-changing environment in fire safety, the need to remain ahead of trends and to embrace emerging technologies in the digital landscape.

The e-mail signatures, logos and the Brand Guidelines are available for download in the members' section of the website after logging in (left side menu, at the bottom). Click here to access it (members only)