FIA receives its ISO 9001:2015 Transition Certificate
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14 October 2016
As part of our ongoing ISO 9001 certification, the FIA was audited at the end of July and the audit was based around the re-certification requirements to transition to the new 9001:2015 Standard.
We’re very pleased to let members know that our certificate for ISO 9001:2015 was issued on 25 Aug 16 and has now been sent to us. The work carried out by our Compliance Manager to ensure an effective and successful transition took approximately 5 months, around other work commitments and this involved the creation of some new processes and a revision of those we had in place under the old Standard requirements.
The main areas of work were around Leadership and Risks and Opportunities, as these sections are prominent in the new Standard and require a necessary degree of work to ensure processes, records and systems are in place to meet the new requirements.
The other element of this certification, having been through the process ourselves, means that we’re now even better placed to offer FIA members consultancy support to help with your own transition from the 2008 Standard to the 2015 version, as the deadline for transition for all certified companies is September 2018. However, a good clear period of at least 6 months from recertification date should be allowed to ensure that you do not end up with a gap between actual certification dates in the transition from one version to the other.
For further details on this service, see the links below or contact our Compliance Manager, Kevin Stearns for more details.