Congratulations to Naomi Davies from FIA Member C S Todd & Associates for winning the Business Manager of the Year 2021 Award at the Women in Fire Safety awards

09 November 2021

Managing Director of C S Todd & Associates and FIA Board Director, Colin Todd has said:

“I am so pleased that the Admin Director of C S Todd & Associates Ltd, Naomi Davies, was last night awarded the Business Manager of the Year 2021 Award at the Women in Fire Safety awards event in London.

Naomi has become a real rock in the foundations of our practice since starting with us as my PA 13 years ago and working her way up. She is a shining example to other members of the Admin Team and a perfect example of our equal opportunities policy working in practice within a sector that is inherently male-dominated.

She seamlessly and continuously expanded her original role and was ultimately made a Director of the company in reflection of her actual roles and responsibilities, which she quietly took on board during my serious health problem a few years ago and then subsequent lack of availability as a result of expert witness work and huge amounts of demands on my time by external voluntary work on committees and working groups in the post-Grenfell years.

In that sense, her huge support to me and the practice generally has not only been of massive benefit to the operation of our business but to the public service work that has been part of the ethos of the practice since its foundation in 1982 and is particularly such in these difficult times for the fire sector.

Thank you, Naomi, for all that you have done for me, our company, our clients and the public, with many, many congratulations for this well-deserved award.

Thank you also to Kate and Chloe of Women in Fire Safety for your focus on bringing women into, and the development of women within, the world of fire safety. We certainly need more committed and competent PEOPLE, within our sector and anyone whose aims and objectives will help achieve this for 50% of the potential talent out there gets my vote.”