More than 800 found to be type withdrawn from sale

11 January 2019

Tests carried out post-Grenfell have found that council homes in Poole are using fire doors not fit for sale.

A freedom of information request made to Poole Housing Partnership found that more than 200 Manse Masterdor doors and 650 Masterdor Ltd doors have been installed in homes across the borough.

A PHP spokesman said: "Poole Housing Partnership... is reviewing its overall approach to door replacement in light of the emerging information.

"It is expected all doors that fall below the 30-minute standard will be replaced and PHP are working with MHCLG [Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government] and suppliers to identify the most appropriate way to deliver this."

Many doors failed the 30-minute fire resistance test, only resisting flames for 15 minutes. Doors by six other companies have also failed government tests.

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