Dudley landlord fined £6,400 for fire safety breaches
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03 May 2016
A Dudley landlord has been handed fines totalling £6,416 after a series of fire safety failings were found at one of his properties.
An inspection by fire officers in May 2015 found that the fire doors at the premises were not properly maintained, and in the event of a fire would have been ineffective.
The property, which was home to five people, was also found to have no hot water.
Mr Rakesh Sandhi pleaded guilty to 11 offences of breaching the Housing Act at magistrates court, and was ordered to pay a £4,900 fine, with costs totalling £1500.
Alan Lunt, the council's strategic director for place directorate, said: “We have a duty to help protect people in their homes including privately rented accommodation.
"This case shows that there are serious consequences for landlords who do not provide safe homes for their tenants, and I hope it acts as a warning that we do take this very seriously.”
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