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21 February 2022

The Golden Thread principle

The ‘Golden Thread’ was first coined in the UK fire industry by Dame Judith Hackitt, following her interim report of the Grenfell Tower fire review in 2017. In essence, the principle seeks to extend fire safety best practice beyond fire professionals to wider society, ensuring that the right people have the right information at the right time. This will ensure buildings are safe and building safety risks are managed throughout the building’s lifecycle.

Digital job management software as a solution?

The fire safety industry is hugely underserved, yet highly regulated and intricate, creating a unique opportunity to digitise fire safety working methods. Integration into the Building Information Management (BIM) process creates conditions for greater participation and better communication between all stakeholders on a project – from design, through to construction and occupation.
Collaboration leads directly to increased quality and efficiency – a must for both profitability and sustainability within the sector. Digital tools not only improve standards, but they also improve record-keeping and auditing at every stage,
minimising costs and improving quality.

About Uptick
Uptick, the most popular solution for fire protection maintenance providers in Australia and New
Zealand, has officially launched in the UK.
A leading software provider in the building compliance industry, over 250,000 buildings and millions
of assets are maintained using Uptick's software every year. Uptick's primary product, Workforce, helps field fire servicing companies manage their mobile workforce to perform routine asset maintenance activities keeping buildings safe and compliant. With completely customisable templates, fields, asset types and routines, Uptick helps businesses streamline and grow.
Find out more about Uptick >