CQC report highlights care home fire safety failings
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07 November 2017
A Portsmouth care home has been deemed ‘inadequate’ by watchdog the Care Quality Commission, with fire safety one of the chief concerns raised about the premises.
Inspectors from the CQC found that Arborough House had a fire risk assessment dated from 2009, not all staff had a clear understanding of the relevant fire procedures and the fire service had raised concerns about the standard of fire doors.
The report reads: “Up to date fire safety information was not available. The acting manager showed us a fire risk assessment which was dated 2009.
“They were unable to provide us with any evidence of recent fire checks. We were unable to see that every person had a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP).
“One member of staff told us there was an evacuation folder but was not able to find this. We referred our concerns to the fire and rescue team. We also discussed these concerns with the registered manager following the inspection.
“They provided us with copies of the PEEPs that staff were unable to find. They told us everyone living at the home did have a PEEP and was unable to explain why staff were unable to locate them.
“The registered manager said they would implement a whole home grab pack by the fire exit which would contain all relevant information. Failure to ensure staff knew where this information was could place people at risk in the event of an emergency.
“They also told us and shared evidence that a fire risk assessment was in place dated 2015 and weekly fire system checks were undertaken.
“However, feedback from the fire and rescue service was that the laundry room door lacked a self-closer [a typical high risk room], regular training and drills were not in place and they had concerns about the standard of the two of the doors by the front entrance which should be fire doors.”
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