Cornwall landlord fined £2000 over unsafe property
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14 March 2016
A landlord from Redruth, Cornwall, has been handed a £2000 fine after inspectors from the local council found a number of fire safety hazards.
Mr Mohammed Habibur Rahman pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to comply with the requirements of improvement notices at Truro Magistrates Court.
The inspection from Cornwall Council’s Private Sector Housing Team uncovered a number of issues, including:
- a dangerous fire escape route
- sub-standard fire doors that had bolt locks on the inside and clasp type locks on the outside
- commercial freezers positioned on the fire escape route
- and a slippery and badly maintained timber staircase to the rear of the building which did not have anti-slip treads.
Despite two improvement notices being served, improvements to the escape routes were not made.
Stuart Kenney from Cornwall Council’s Private Sector Housing team said: “The council’s Private Sector Housing Teams have identified a number of substandard dwellings occupied by workers of restaurant and takeaway establishments and been involved in a range of enforcement interventions.
“The council works in partnership with Devon and Cornwall Police and Immigration Enforcement to identify and improve such dwellings and where appropriate, the council will prosecute when landlords are non-compliant with housing legislation.”
Joyce Duffin, Cornwall Council cabinet member for Housing and Environment said: “This case highlights that there are still some landlords who are not fulfilling their legal obligation to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their tenants.
“The council will make every effort to advise, educate and work with landlords but those who plead ignorance or fail in their obligations can rest assured that the council will make every effort to bring them to book.”
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