Total of nearly £150,000

18 May 2016

The leaseholders and landlords of a ten-flat property in Barnet have been hit with a massive fine of £120,000 plus an additional £21,660 in costs after a number of safety issues were found.

Mr Idris Raza, TISHK Limited and Hanasa Limited continued to house tenants in the studio flats, despite being served a prohibition notice by the local council.

A complaint from a tenant promopted Barnet Council’s Environmental Health Team to inspect the property, which they found to be in very poor condition and badly managed.

The court heard that very serious harm would have been likely if a fire had started at the property – with 10-20 people potentially losing their lives.

The risks highlighted by the council at the property causing the issuing of the Prohibition Notice included:

  • inadequate fire separation between the rooms
  • four studios with no external windows
  • broken ceiling panels
  • inadequate locks on studio doors
  • faulty internal corridor lighting and
  • an accumulation of furniture at the top of the only staircase leading to and from the flats.

As well as failing to comply with a Prohibition Order, the leaseholders and landlords were found to have breached the Houses in Multiple Occupation Regulations 2007.

Passing sentence, magistrates said Raza had displayed “reckless behaviour” as both an individual and as director of TISHK Ltd and Hanasa Ltd. 

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