Another landlord in trouble over fire safety and licensing issues
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£2,600 fine handed out
29 April 2016
A Bath landlord has been ordered to pay £2,600 in fines and court costs after pleading guilty to fire safety and licensing offences at one of his properties.
Mr Simon Blandini was prosecuted at Bath Magistrates Court under the local council’s Additional Licensing Scheme.
The council brought the prosecution after inspectors discovered the house of multiple occupration was operating without a licence and had fire safety issues, including a defective fire alarm system and a dangerous layout with key locks on bedroom doors which could prevent a quick escape during a fire.
The property is now licenced and remedial works have been carried out to bring the property up to current safety standards.
Councillor Liz Richardson, cabinet member for homes & planning, said: "We are pleased with the result of this prosecution and that the court recognised the seriousness of the offence.
"The Additional Licensing Scheme was brought in to improve the condition and management of HMOs and protect tenants by making homes safe and healthy places to live and we will not take any non-compliance lightly.
"The council will always try to work in partnership with landlords and agents to improve housing standards and in the majority of cases landlords work hard to comply but where there are clear breaches of legislation the council will take strong enforcement action in order to safeguard tenants."
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