The HOME Office has unveiled a significant project in the form of a survey that is intended to help the government agency better understand the people who are currently performing fire risk assessments. Additionally, there is a survey for "Responsible Persons."

The Fire Safety Act 2021, the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, and the Building Safety Act 2022 are among the changes being made that will strengthen the building and fire safety regulatory systems. The market for fire risk assessors will be significantly impacted by these changes.

In light of this, the Home Office is eager to learn more about the sector's capacity and capability. The Home Office is collaborating with the industry to take into account concerns about the professionalisation of the fire risk assessment field. This work will be greatly supported by the responses to the survey's questions.

Anyone who conducts fire risk assessments (for a fee or for buildings that they or their employers manage) is now being invited by the Home Office to participate in the survey. The survey asks questions regarding the methods for carrying out fire risk assessments, the kinds of buildings that have undergone assessment, and the training and CPD that have already been completed. The UK and devolved Governments will use the survey results to guide their work on developing policy.

Some of the survey questions may be familiar to participants in a survey early last year who were involved in fire risk assessment procedures, but this survey focuses more on the career paths of assessors and the professional development opportunities available to them.

The Home Office has commented: “Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone else you know who undertakes fire risk assessments, as the more responses we receive, the better the picture we will be able to build of the fire risk assessment workforce.”

Survey logistics

The survey will be available until Monday, July 31, and should take about ten minutes to complete. Participation is entirely up to the individual. No person or organisation will be named in any reporting, and all responses will remain private. The names of respondents' employers or their own will not be requested. 

Complete the survey here online 

‘Responsible Persons’ survey

The Home Office would also like to draw attention to a survey of ‘Responsible Persons’, which aims to explore how recent fire safety legislation has affected those individuals and improve its own understanding of how recent fire safety legislation changes have impacted ‘Responsible Persons’ in England.

These changes will have a significant impact on ‘Responsible Persons’ and the Government is keen to gain a better understanding of how such individuals have responded to the changes.

Anyone who’s a ‘Responsible Person’ (an individual or an organisation) is invited to complete the survey. For organisations, if you are not the ‘Responsible Person’ within your organisation, you should pass this survey on to such individuals. The survey asks questions about you, the buildings for which you are responsible and your experiences of current and awareness of future fire safety legislation changes. Again, the findings will be used to inform policy development work in the UK.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and will remain open until Monday 31 July. Again, participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Answers will be kept confidential, and no individual or organisation will be identified in any reporting. Respondents will not be asked to provide their name or that of their employer. *Complete the survey here online..

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