27 March 2013

The Skills and Standards team at Skills for Security is calling on industry practitioners to lend their knowledge and experience to the development and review of National Occupational Standards within their sectors.

Following a successful funding bid to UKCES the Skills and Standards team in association with Advisory Working Groups members will be developing a new suite of NOS for Remote Monitoring, reviewing the existing NOS for Security Search Operations, and reviewing the Scottish Providing Security Systems L3 Apprenticeship Framework.

Ruth Oliver, Skills and Standards Manager said: ''We are looking for people who work within these sectors and who know what is required to reflect current working practices to come forward and work with us.  The work will take place between April and December and will be a combination of workshops and email consultation. National Occupational Standards are a free resource for employers and training providers. They provide a wealth of benefits to the industry and also help to ensure that a benchmark for high standards is retained throughout training and qualifications within the different sectors.''

Anyone interested in taking part should contact [email protected]