For many, November is a time of remembrance for those that fought and fell in the first and second world wars, wearing poppies to signify their support.
The popularly known poppy appeal is an annual event from the Royal British Legion, a charity that in recent years has turned its attention not just to remembrance of fallen soldiers, but to helping members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families all year round. They also campaign to improve their lives, especially after injury or leaving the service.
This year at the FIA’s AGM and Lunch at the London Hilton Bankside, we sold poppies to members and their guests, raising a total of £21.33. It might be a small amount, but the pennies soon stack up. This contributed to the total of £11,095.84 being raised for our district.
On behalf of the appeal, we would like to thank everyone that bought a poppy and donated to the cause.