New FAAST aspiration detectors provide early warning in tough operating environments
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19 March 2013
Notifier by Honeywell has introduced a new range of aspirating systems named FAAST (Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology™).
Launched at last week’s FIA 2013 Conference on 14th March in Edgbaston, the range covers EN54-20 Class A,B and C applications and offers solutions for environments where the fastest possible detection of a potential fire is required.
In addition, the new detectors offer a cost-effective solution for those locations with restricted access or where there is a need for discreet aesthetics. They are also ideally-designed for environments where extremes of temperature or airflow can cause detector failure or false alarms with standard point detection systems.
The FAAST detectors form part of Notifier’s existing range of fire safety solutions and will be available via Notifier’s national network of Engineered Systems Distributors. The new range incorporates advanced dual laser technology to eliminate false alarms, is easy to install and its advanced design ensures reliable ongoing operation, in even the toughest environments.
The new aspirating range consists of the following products:
• FAAST - This advanced, IP-enabled device is designed to provide the highest levels of protection for mission critical environments, where any downtime resulting from a fire or false alarm can be hugely costly, both financially and in terms of corporate reputation. The FAAST device enables building managers to monitor their facilities via internet, smart phone or mobile device, irrespective of location
• FAAST LT - This loop-enabled device combines proven laser smoke detection with ultrasonic flow detectors, providing high-sensitivity detection for specialist applications. These include cold storage facilities, warehouses and manufacturing facilities, as well as large public areas such as airports, museums and sports stadia. The FAAST LT solution is also ideally-suited to mission-critical applications such as small server rooms.
“Our new FAAST detectors are perfectly-suited to those environments where standard methods of detection do not provide sufficient protection,” confirms Notifier by Honeywell strategic product manager, Rick Love.
“The new range is an important step forward in detecting fires early and reducing the incidence of false alarms, especially in those areas which until now have proved particularly challenging for traditional methods of detection.”