New addition to C-TEC’s sales team
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15 August 2016
C-TEC has appointed Adam Mason as its new Distribution Account Manager covering the North and East of England and Scotland.
In this key role, Adam will drive sales growth by supporting electrical distribution companies at branch level and promoting C-TEC’s new improved NC951 accessible toilet kit, its ActiV fire detectors and its vast range of high-quality fire alarm control panels, call systems and hearing loops.
After leaving college, Adam completed a three-month tour of America as a football coach prior to securing a sales position at a major retail chain. Most recently, he worked in C-TEC’s busy manufacturing facility where he built up an extensive knowledge of the company’s innovative life-safety systems.
Said Charlotte Manley, C-TEC’s Sales Director: “Adam is self-motivated, enthusiastic and determined to succeed in the distribution side of C-TEC’s business. His experience in sales and customer service will be an asset to C-TEC and I am delighted to welcome him to the team.”
Said Adam: “I am very excited about starting my new role and am looking forward to building on the already successful distribution partnerships in my territories.”
Currently celebrating its 35th Anniversary as a leading UK manufacturer of world-class life-safety systems including conventional and addressable fire alarm systems, call systems, disabled refuge and hearing loops, C-TEC has recently expanded its Challenge Way headquarters to include additional training and seminar rooms.
For further information, call on +44 (0)1942 322744 or visit the company’s new interactive website at www.c-tec.com
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