The service provided updated information on its ongoing efforts "to ensure an effective response to fires in tall buildings" to members of its Community Safety Committee in a report titled "Grenfell Tower Inquiry and Tall Building Response" published on June 9, 2023. 

The report highlights the most important suggestions made to fire departments in England during Phase One of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry. In its report, NFRS attests that it accepted the recommendations and was able to put all 47 into practise by December 2021.

Since then, the NFRS claims to have identified 23 high-risk tall buildings through communication with relevant parties and other organisations. Buildings with "external flammable cladding, poor compartmentation, fire safety defects, or complexity of layout" are among the problems present in the questioned structures.

A programme of "dry riser" testing is currently being carried out by firefighters, starting with the 23 high-risk tall buildings, according to NFRS, which is currently in the process of monitoring the high-risk buildings. This is done to look for flaws and make sure firefighters are comfortable delivering water inside tall buildings.

According to the report, NFRS received more than £100,000 as part of the Grenfell Infrastructure Grant, which was used to buy specialised equipment "to provide and support effective rescues and safe evacuation of people through smoke-filled environments".

Smoke hoods, smoke curtains, dividing breaches, short lengths, extra radios, and loud hailers are some of the new equipment.

The service continues by stating that its Prevention Team has been distributing safety messages, hosting community events at the 23 high-risk buildings, and providing 'tailor-made safety advice for residents of tall buildings' in order to reassure and educate residents about evacuation plans.

Additionally, NFRS has created a dedicated page on its website with further information and guidance for residents.

The service wants to reassure the committee members and residents that it is still improving and testing its fire safety procedures, especially since the Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations and tall building response will be a focus of the upcoming inspection by His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).

View the REPORT here.

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