03 July 2014

The Department for Communities and Local Government has published its latest Fire Statistics Monitor, which focuses on analysis of fire and rescue incidents and fire casualty data for England for the financial year 2013-14. 

To compile the report DCLG uses the records of all incidents attended by local authority fire and rescue services in England.

Summary of the provisional data 


Local authority fire and rescue services attended 170,000 fires in England in 2013-14. This is the second lowest number of fire incidents recorded. The record low number of fires in 2012-13 was the result of fewer outdoor fires, due to above average rainfall that year. 

In 2013-14, local authority fire and rescue services attended 223,400 fire false alarms and 130,600 non-fire incidents – 4% and 3% fewer than the previous year respectively and 42% fewer than ten years earlier (in 2003-04). 

There were 275 fire fatalities in England in 2013-14. These were 14 (5%) fewer than in 2012-13 and 39% lower than in 2003-04. 

Two thirds of all fire fatalities were in accidental dwelling fires (181 in 2013-14). While these were six higher than in 2012-13, this is the second lowest number recorded and more than a third lower than in 2003-04. 

In 2012-13, there were 3600 hospital non-fatal fire casualties. These were 5% and 55% fewer than one year and ten years earlier respectively. 

The FIA Says: “The FIA is always pleased to see that the number of fires is continuing to fall, which is down to the good work of all, including Fire and Rescue’s fire safety and fire prevention guys and girls, plus the efforts of competent maintenance companies.”

Download The Fire Statistics Monitor: England April 2013-March 2014.