10 November 2014

Britannia Fire Ltd, an independent producer of fire extinguishers and FIA Member Company, has won the Association for Petroleum and Explosives Administration’s (APEA) 2014 Health & Safety Performance Award for its P50 fire extinguisher.

The award was presented to the company at the APEA Live 2014 Exhibition, Conference & Awards Dinner on 5th November.

APEA is a UK based organisation, drawing membership from all quarters of the petroleum industry, including Regulators from National and Local Government Authorities, Oil Companies, Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers, Service and Installation Organisations, Training Establishments and many others. It is seen to be unique in representing all sides of the industry and in providing a forum for debate and the generation of technical guidance.

The conference, sponsored by Franklin Fueling Systems, is dedicated to anyone who wants to make sure their business is in synergy with their industry. The conference debates the leading issues, led by internationally recognised speakers.

Andy Spence, General Manager at Britannia said:

“This is a fantastic achievement for our business. We have been pushing the composite fire extinguisher for some time now and are pleased that the APEA has appreciated that by presenting us with this prestigious award.

As for the future; we have invested more than a quarter of a million pounds in a new blow moulding machine and recently purchased a new factory. It’s all systems go at Britannia!

The P50 low-maintenance extinguisher is the latest development in the UK fire extinguisher industry. These extinguishers are certified to EN3 with a 20 year life, requiring no discharge testing or re-fills for 10 years. The P50 is designed to remove corrosion and reduce maintenance because it only requires a simple visual inspection and checking of the gauge”
