Are You an FIA Exporter?
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28 November 2018
Back in 2015, the FIA Export Council was formally adopted into the FIA, having previously been effectively a stand-alone organisation that attracted an annual fee for FIA members and non-members alike.
On becoming an elected FIA Council, the annual fee was waived for FIA members [although retained for non-FIA members] and the designation ‘FIA Exporter’ created such that all exporting FIA members [not just those elected to Council] could be identified as such and participate fully in our export-related activities. From a subscription Council of 23 members, we now have an FIA Exporters community of over 60 companies.
We’re taking this opportunity to inform all FIA members of the chance to become an FIA Exporter through a simple opt-in procedure.
If you are not already engaged in this way but are an exporter or thinking of entering overseas markets, e-mail: David Smith, FIA Export Manager, upon which you will:
• Be identified as an FIA Exporter
• Receive Weekly Updates on a range of export-related matters
• Be invited to offer entries to our Exporters Directory and Case Studies Brochure
• Input into our work with government, DIT and the Joint International Fire Board
• Attend the quarterly Export Council meetings
• Participate in Overseas Fire Trade Missions [Brazil and South Africa completed in 2018]
• Engage in and influence various activities including surveys, networking, inward delegations, exhibitions and market intelligence