14 January 2016

December 2015 saw the retirement of one of Euralarm’s most engaged personalities, Dirk Gesenhues. Dirk started his engineering career in the early eighties and worked for Siemens for nearly half-a-century, building his career in various management positions. In parallel he took up several chairmanships in standardisation committees related to fire and security at CEN and CENELEC. In 2001, when Dirk became General Secretary of Euralarm, this was a part-time position and almost a gentleman’s hobby.
However, the world was changing and it is to Dirk’s merit, together with the members of the Euralarm Board at the time, to have recognised that Euralarm had to change too. Therefore, Dirk became full time General Secretary and professionalised the administration of the association. As a ‘one-man band’, he organised Euralarm’s General Assemblies, the Board and Sections meetings, and chaired several Technical Committees for many years.
During his tenure, Euralarm went on the Internet. On his own initiative he laid the basis for the Euralarm webpage as we know it now, which is today an indispensable tool of information for all our Members and Delegates. He was also instrumental in developing the new Euralarm website, which will soon be released.
Dirk has been working ‘behind the scenes’ of Euralarm and he is the one who made things happen when they were necessary. He was our stable anchor when the Euralarm vessel was drifting. I have no doubt that, without Dirk’s efforts and contribution, Euralarm would not be where it is today. He was instrumental in laying down the foundations of the Euralarm Team as we know it and without his great support, the transition would not have been as smooth as it was.
For this, Dirk, I would like to thank you personally and I am sure that all the Delegates and personalities of Euralarm, in particular all past Presidents who had the pleasure to work with you, will join me in thanking you for all you did for Euralarm.
Myself, and many others, wish you all the best for the future, and to enjoy it with your wife Ursula and your children and grandchildren. Euralarm will not forget you and I am sure that you will not forget Euralarm. We hope to keep in touch, not to work but to share good memories and hope to see you and your better half at the General Assembly 2016 in Lisbon for a personal thank you and farewell from your friends!
Enzo Peduzzi,
Euralarm President